May Reads

Continuing my attempt at playing catch-up writing micro-reviews of books I read two months ago and whose plots have subsequently been lost to the sands of time. May was a prolific reading month. Let’s get into it. A Murderous Relation (Veronica Speedwell #5) by Deanna Raybourn ⭐⭐⭐⭐ Tweet-length review: Despite finally admitting to their feelings […]

April Reads

Well, now that it’s July, how about a wrap-up of my April reads? That tracks. Without further ado, follow my April reading journey, in which I fall deep into a Victorian mystery rabbit hole. Sidebar: For real, I devoured those last three Deanna Raybourn books in a week. House of Earth and Blood by Sarah J […]

February/March Reads

I always start with the best of intentions and then end up getting behind on here. And now I find myself once again playing catch-up…so please find here, now that April is three-quarters gone, my (much shorter) February and March reading lists. What can I say—I am at least consistently inconsistent. First up: February and […]

January Reads

January has been a banner reading month for me—this is what happens when you binge read (seriously, I read four books in one weekend…the hermitting was real). I was planning to do reviews for each of these, but, really, who has the time? Instead, I’ll rank them from least favorite to favorite with tweet-length reviews […]

My Most Anticipated Releases of 2020

I have tried in the past to be a person who plans out my reading list for the year, but friends, that just isn’t me. Yes, I am a former English teacher who despises being on the receiving end of any kind of reading assignment, perceived or otherwise. I do, however, take great pleasure in adding […]

The Princess Diarist

Welcome to 2020! After seeing The Rise of Skywalker and the finale of The Mandalorian, I wasn’t ready for Star Wars season to end. Cue me redownloading Carrie Fisher’s last memoir, which I’d already started and stopped twice since buying it in January of 2018. The Princess Diarist by Carrie Fisher Why I picked it: Based […]

My 2019 Year in Books

After four years of successfully completing (and occasionally exceeding) a 60 book goal for my annual Goodreads Challenge, I upped my goal for 2019 to…wait for it…SIXTY-FIVE books. Dare to dream the impossible dream, amirite? This slight increase notwithstanding, I resolved in January to try ramping up my reading rigor by improving my consistency and […]

A Gaines Duet

I forget during which of my sisters’ remodels that the term “shiplap” was thrown around, but when it was, I remember being utterly confused, and my family being totally bewildered in response that I’d never heard of a little show called Fixer Upper. Sidebar: I lived without cable for many years, and even when I had […]

The Woman in the Window

To paraphrase my girl, T-Swift, it’s been a long eighteen months, friends. Since last we spoke, I’ve added another ninety or so books to my “read” shelf on Goodreads and added probably that same number to my never-ending TBR list. And that’s how you never run out of things to read. My library and I […]